Ally gay pride miami beach

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Last season, Northern Guard and Ally raised $50,000 through Prideraiser – a new program record. Detroit City FC supporters, the Northern Guard Supporters, designated the Ruth Ellis Center as their local partner. In 2017, supporters of Detroit City FC and Chattanooga FC launched Prideraiser, which raises money for LGBTQ+ charities in their respective communities during the month of June. “Detroit City FC and Ruth Ellis Center share similar values with Ally – a commitment to the Detroit community and building an inclusive culture for all.” “We have a deep commitment to giving back in the communities where we live and work which is a direct outgrowth of our ‘Do It Right’ brand promise,” said Andrea Brimmer, chief marketing and public relations officer, Ally Financial. All proceeds will benefit the Ruth Ellis Center. Through the Northern Guard Supporters’ Prideraiser campaign, Ally Financial will match up to $10,000 for the total campaign throughout the month of June. DETROIT, Michigan – Detroit City Football Club and Ally Financial are once again proud to announce a collaboration in celebration of Pride Month and in support of the Ruth Ellis Center of Detroit.

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